My Top Ten Films of 2017

In some regards, this year was a great year for films, however in others it wasn’t. For me, it wasn’t great. This was mostly due to the fact that I have been so busy that I actually haven’t seen many new films this year. For this reason, when reading this, you may notice that some films, like ‘Logan’ or ‘Baby Driver’, which feature heavily on other lists, aren’t on mine. This is because I still haven’t had a chance to see them, but hopefully will next year. Other films, like ‘Coco’, still haven’t come out, or, like ‘The Greatest Showman’, came out too recently for me to have seen yet. I will also try to see these next year.



While a very enjoyable film, with some beautiful cinematography and great music, it had many flaws in the plot and characters. The cast was incredible, and when I saw it the first time it was a lot of fun. However, I saw it twice, and it was not as fun on a second viewing. Despite this, the second viewing did give me one of my favourite film viewing moments, when a 12 year old yelled ‘This is just BTEC Star Wars!’ This film mostly made it to my list due to its amazing visuals and talented cast.



This film was so funny. It had me hooked from the moment that they announced that a plane that was about to crash was from ‘MacGuffin Airlines’. I was laughing the whole way through. It was very inter-textual and clever. A worthy addition to this list.



For some reason, a lot of people seemed to hate this movie. Sure, it wasn’t as good as the first, but I never expected that to be possible. Julianne Moore’s Poppy was a great villain, and the story was enthralling and comedic. I thoroughly enjoyed this film.



Another hilarious addition. It was so much fun to watch and also very visually pleasing. Taika Waititi did a great job with this film and I can’t wait to see what else he has to bring to Thor. It was a great film and the cast really outdid themselves.



This. Film. Was. Awesome. I loved it so much. From the beautiful cinematography to the compelling characters, it was almost perfect. And that ‘almost’ is the reason why this film is at #6 on my list rather than higher. It was the final act. 2017 has not been a good year for final acts and I feel like Wonder Woman is a prime example of this. It was so disappointing. It led you to believe that the end was going to be some deep statement about how man is drawn to war and instead we got a CGI battle with Lupin.



James McAvoy was so good in this film. It was thoroughly enjoyable to sit through and had some brilliant characterisation.



This film was so much fun. I haven’t seen ‘The Room’ but I now plan to at some point in the near future. This film was hilarious and came with a great performance from James Franco as Tommy Wiseau, really humanising this mysterious character. This was just a great film.



This film is a masterpiece. That’s all I have to say. Go watch it.

But seriously, this film is incredibly made with some great acting and cinematography. Watch it.



I saw this film twice and it was equally enjoyable both times, if not more the second. Tom Holland is great as Peter Parker and Michael Keaton was a brilliant villain as the Vulture. And that plot twist. Wow. Genuinely a great movie.



I’m not a horror movie fan. I’m too scared to watch them. However, I thought I should see It, as I’m not scared of clowns. And I made the right decision. This film was scary in the right places and fun in the right places too. The young cast was brilliant, as was Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise. I loved this film.

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